Stanfort Academy makes every effort possible to complete the appellate process within 21 days of the receipt of the appeal by the school. When extended investigation becomes necessary, the in-charge of the respective department will inform the appellant by letter of this extended investigation.
Appeal for Expulsion
• Appeal must make within 7 working days from the issuance of Expulsion letter to consider and prepare for appeal.
• Only a written request for an appeal from the appellant concerned together with the Administrative fee for Appeal Request $ 100 (subject to change) will be considered.
• All supporting documents must be provided and only original supporting documents will be consider for appeal case
• Request can be allowed or declined. If the request is declined, the appellant will be given the reason.
• Decision made by the Academic Board is the final one.
• Please note that only ONE appeal can be lodged. No re-appeals are permitted. No appeals will be accepted for re-grading of an exam paper in which a student has passed.
Appeal for Examination Result
• Only a written request for an assessment result’s appeal from the appellant concerned together with the Administrative fee for Appeal Request $ 100 (subject to change) will be considered.
• Request for an assessment result appeal must clearly state the grounds on which it is requested.
• Request for a review must be made within 7 working days of the receipt of the result, and the request made after the closing date will not be entertained in any circumstances.
• All requests for an assessment result appeal will be considered by the second-marker and the Examination Board.
• Request can be allowed or declined. If the request is declined, the appellant will be given the reason.
• All examination materials are confidential to Stanfort Academy and the examination booklets will not be shown or returned to the candidates.
• Decision made by the Examination Board is the final one.
Appeal for Expulsion
All applications for an appeal include documentation evidence to verify that the student has the valid reasons to apply for an appeal. If a student unable to provide the required documentation, then the request will not be accepted/ considered. The Academic Board will consider the appeal application case by case basis. The appeal result may fail due to lack of documents evidence or valid reasons. The school will notify the candidate/ appellant of the outcome in writing. Appeal charges are non-refundable.
Appeal for Examination Result
Students requesting a re-mark of their internal exam or assignment paper must apply by completing the Appeal Application Form. The application must include documentation evidence to verify that the student has the valid reasons to apply for an appeal. If a student cannot provide the required documentation, then the request will not be accepted/ considered. The student must also provide the appropriate payment as outlined in the Appeal Application Form. The students can apply for the assessment remark within 7 working days of the results being released. The school will notify the candidate/ appellant of the outcome in writing. A full refund of the remark charge is provided if the examination remark results in an increase to the grade of the appellant.
Stanfort Academy has proper appeal handling process, policy and procedure in place and assurance of undertaking an administrative check of the marks, upon receiving the complaint or appeal from the candidates or appellant for the poor result. Review or the recheck of the examination booklet involves checking that all procedures have been correctly followed, particularly that:
- All materials have been fully considered;
- The addition of marks awarded is correct;
- The results achieved is correctly recorded in the results letter;
Throughout the re-mark, review and re-check process, the following will be ensured:
- Making sure that all required parts of the assessment were included in the final determination of the result;
- Making sure that all marks contributing to the final grade have been correctly weighed and their total accurately obtained
Upon undertaking all necessary investigations, the Examination Board will decide the result of the candidate and keep records of the findings in the review process.
For the external exams, the school will submit the appeal directly to the respective external exam bodies upon receipt of the Request from the student.
5. EXTERNAL DEGREE PROGRAMMES (Undergraduate and MBA Programmes)
The school will follow the University guidelines of appeals regulations and procedures for Bachelors and MBA Programmes. Please Click HERE for more information.