Student Contract

Advisory Notes
Student will be advised to read the Advisory Notes prior to signing the Standard Student Contract. The Advisory Notes highlight the key areas of information in the Student Contract. Students need to sign the Advisory Notes to acknowledge that they understand the contents of the Contract. If student is below 18 years of age, the Advisory Notes will be signed by a parent or guardian.

Standard Student Contract
To comply with the requirements of the SkillsFuture Singapore (SSG), all local & international students enrolling in private education institution (PEI) in Singapore are required to sign a Standard Student Contract (Version 4.0) which stipulates:

Section 1) Definitions
Section 2) Course information & fees,
Section 3) Termination And Refund Policy,
Section 4) Additional Information,
Schedule A) Course Details
Schedule B) Course fees
Schedule C) Miscellaneous fees
Schedule D) Refund Policy
Schedule E) Refund Events

You can download the standard student contract HERE

The SSG requires all private schools and their students to sign a student contract for any course that is longer than one month. The student contract sets out the contractual commitments of both the student and the private school. Once signed, both parties will be contractually bound to the agreed terms and conditions stated in the document.

For example, if the refund policy in your student contract states that there will be no refund of course fees once the courses has started, you will not be entitled to any refund even if you have not attended any lessons.

The student contract also contains other key mutual obligations of the private school and the student on matters such as course details and payment terms. It is hence critical that you read and understand the terms and conditions carefully before signing and committing yourself to the contract. Do not sign the student contract if you do not agree with the terms or if the terms are different from what the agent or the school have told you. Clarify with the school.

Retain a copy of the signed student contract as well as all receipts issued by school as these may serve as documentary proof in the event of a dispute.

If necessary, you can request the school for clarification or the translation of contract in your native language (i.e. in Chinese, in India, in Myanmar, or Vietnam). School will arrange staff to explain using your native language. The school will also give an original copy of the contract to the student as it can be presented as a legal document in the event of disagreement.

The student’s guardian will also sign the contract if the student is below the age of 18. The authorized signatory will sign the contract on behalf of the School.

Please read more information about advisory note and student contract at SSG website: CLICK HERE.